Legends of Runeterra Worldwalker

“This stage is beneath my talent, but I shall elevate it.”

Jihn - League of Legends voice line

Riot Games collaborated with Wisdom on two occasions to help design and broadcast a set reveal. The first of the two was Worldwalker, a theatrical presentation with Jhin as the host. I worked with Riot’s creative director to ideate and adapt the content for live broadcast purposes. The end result was a fantastic performance that included audience participation through votes. The winning card would reveal itself, while all others would be 'destroyed' by our showman, Jhin. It was an interesting and experimental broadcast with heavy themes and quite enjoyable all around.

Animation created by Chris Anema | Clip is a short section of a one hour intro animation

Animation Storyboard

I was tasked with filling the one-hour intro before the broadcast. With one key art supplied and the challenge of not showing Jhin until the thirty-minute mark, I aimed to convey a slow passage of time in line with the art style. We depicted the sun setting, shadows descending onto the amphitheater, building anticipation for the arrival of our villainous host.

The video shown is sped up to illustrate the passage of time. The original video is one hour, and the show video is 30 seconds with nothing cut.

The Live Stream

Unfortunately, there is no recorded video of the live stream. However, working with our dev, we set up a Twitch voting system to allow viewers to pick which cards they wanted to see. Out of the four cards, the one least voted on met an untimely, or I suppose very timely in this case, end.




Collegiate Contender Series